Saturday, May 30, 2009

A farmer, a minister, and a biker are killed in a tragic accident on Christmas Eve, and our trio finds itself before the Pearly Gates, awaiting entry. St. Peter approaches them, and explains that since it is Christmas Eve, each of them must present something Christmasy in order to enter.The farmer reaches into his overalls and pulls out a handful of manger hay, St. Peter allows him in.The minister searches his pockets, and retreives a Communion wafer, and St. Peter allows him in. The biker bro has been scratching his head the whole time, thinking of something he could present. Suddenly, breaking into a broad grin, he yanks out a pair of panties from his leather jacket. St. Peter stares blankly at the biker and the panties, and asks, "How do these represent Christmas in any way?" The bro replied, "They're Carol's!"

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