Friday, April 23, 2010

Saskatchewan farmer

A Saskatchewan farmer and his wife, on their way back home in January,
are at the airport in New York awaiting their flight. They are dressed in
heavy boots, parka, scarf, mittens, etc.. An older couple standing nearby is
intrigued by their manner of dress.

The wife says to the husband: "Look at that couple. I wonder where they're

He replies: "How would I know?"

She counters: "You could go and ask them."

He says: "I don't really care. You want to know, you go and ask them."

She decides to do just that and walks over to the couple and asks, "Excuse
me. Looking at your dress, I wondered where you're from.."

The farmer replies: " Saskatoon , Saskatchewan ".

The woman returns to her husband who asks: "So, where are they from?"

She replies: "I don't know. They don't speak English"

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